Social Studies

Social Studies

In First Grade Social Studies, students learn the importance of the individual's relationship to his or her community and nation. Through the introduction and study of important national holidays and cultural traditions, students are able to identify the characteristics of the American people and government and articulate what it means to be an American. Students also learn geography skills enabling them to read maps, identify continents, bodies of water, countries and states. A strong emphasis is placed on developing social skills including sequencing, retelling stories and problem solving.

Social studies activities are designed to appeal to all learning styles and provide all students with the opportunity to collaborate with their peers, work independently, and demonstrate their knowledge via several mastery assessments.


Our School and Local Community

  • What kinds of things do good citizens do?
National Customs and Traditions
  • What are the significant symbols of American culture?
Figures in American History
  • Who are American heroes and what do they tell us about our society?
  • How and why do we celebrate holidays?
Geography and Map Skills
  • What stories do maps and globes tell?
  • Why is "where" important?

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