Playground Rules

   Playground Rules

 Be Safe---Be Responsible---Be Respectful
* Walk slowly and carefully directly to and from designated areas

* Students are to remain on playing fields or playground areas at all times. Leaving  

  school grounds or entering the woods, stream or turf areas is not permitted

* Respond to directions immediately and respectfully

* Use equipment safely and appropriately. Use of hard balls or equipment considered 

   hazardous by supervisors are not to be used during recess

* If a student needs to leave the area for any reason including going to the nurse, the

  bathroom, to meet with a teacher or to retrieve a ball must notify the playground  

  supervisor when leaving and upon returning to the playground.

* Stones, wood chips, snowballs or any other objects are not to be thrown

* Physically aggressive behavior is not permitted at recess or any other time





* Dress for the weather

* Line up promptly

* Report any problems or injuries to the supervisor immediately

* Be a problem solver

* Set a good example by including others, following the rules, and choosing not    

  participate in negative, hurtful or exclusionary behavior

* Return school playground equipment (balls, jump ropes,etc.) to the bin when recess is over





* Listen to the directions of the playground supervisor

* Play fairly, respect the rules and others

* Include others in activities

* Be respectful of others’ personal space

* Inappropriate language is not to be used on the playground or anywhere in our school

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